These lovely ladies are your 2013 summer Residential Life staff! They will be there to celebrate your successes and help you have a fun time during your month at Emma, as well as to help you with any problems.
The House Parents
Nicole and Lisa will be like your parents away from home. They will make sure you know the rules and can help you learn to do everything at Emma (like where to do your laundry!)
The Proctors
Each hall has a Proctor, a head girl, who lives there. Aileen, Sarah and Courtney will be like your big sister-- there to help you resolve any problems and to have fun with you in the afternoons and evenings!
The Counselors
The Counselors are current or recent Emma girls. These friendly American girls are outgoing and fun loving--Lauren, Abby, Meaghen and Reagan are your age and are there to help out with afternoon activities and sports. They will also come on our weekend trips.